Iberoamerica Comes Together to Discuss Corporate Communications
Aberje – Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial (Brazilian Association of Corporate Communications), in partnership with the Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación – Dircom (Association of Directors of Communication) in Spain and other communications associations in Latin America, began in March to organize the first Ibero-American Conference of Strategic Communications (Cibecom), which should prove to be the most important gathering in the Communications field for the region. The event, which will take place in Miami between April 5th and 7th of 2017, will focus on the three main axes of communications: reputation, sustainability and transparency. The conference will be attended by participants from Colombia, Argentina, Portugal, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay and Spain.
Aberje believes it is important to create ties with our Latin American neighbors, as well as associations and key players in corporate communications in other regions, such as Europe, USA and Asia. This effort will increase the strength and coherence of our communication in dealing with the principle issues in the world. In recent years, the association held 18 Brazilian Corporate Communications Day events in several countries. The event traveled from India to New York, passing through London, Bogota, Paris, Lima, Detroit, Berlin and several other international cities. In March of this year the 8th International Aberje Award was given to researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the University of Georgia (UGA), during the 19th Annual International Public Relations Research Conference in Miami.
Aberje stands as an association that promotes dialogue within and outside the country, positioning Brazil as a producer and disseminator of knowledge and best practices in the field of Communications.
- Prêmio Aberje 2024 anuncia destaques do ano: Comunicadores, CEO Comunicador, Mídias e premiações especiais
- Conecta CI promove integração e inovação na Comunicação Interna
- Comitê Aberje de Gestão da Comunicação e da Reputação Corporativas debate papel da Comunicação na gestão de crises
- Parceria inédita cria SPFC University, universidade com cursos de graduação e pós para a área esportiva
- Antônio Calcagnotto passa a integrar o Conselho Consultivo da Aberje
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