Henkel’s Brazil Team Wins Global Campaign

Aberje associate Henkel Brazil won the global action promoted in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Pritt brand and donated the 170,000 reais prize to the Ayrton Senna Institute, which in 25 years has already benefited over 26 million children and young people in the world. Brazil. The initiative aims to support the organization’s educational projects to benefit children and young people from public schools throughout the country. Pritt’s Marketing team attended the awards ceremony in Germany and handed the symbolic check to the Ayrton Senna Institute, also an Aberje associate.
Pritt’s top 10 countries in sales took part in the global challenge of building a large mobile through collages. With the motto “What would I like to be when I was a child?”, each participant had the mission to create their own character, with varied collages, in the mold provided by Pritt. The puppets were used by artist Jo Pellenz, who assembled the final piece and left it exhibited at Henkel’s headquarters in Germany. The three countries most engaged in the action were awarded by the Fritz Henkel Foundation.
Brazil took first place in the challenge, followed by South Africa and Turkey. Teams from Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Benelux, Japan, and Mexico lagged. In Brazil, Pritt carried out different actions with employees and opinion leaders and sent over 300 puppets to Germany. “We are very happy for this historical achievement and for knowing that children and young people from public schools in different regions of our country will receive a quality education. The Ayrton Senna Institute is already a Henkel partner, and we know all of its educational potential and expertise, ”says Andreia Okuyama, Pritt Marketing Manager. Earlier this year, Henkel and the Ayrton Senna Institute entered into a partnership to offer public children and young people a full education. Since April this year, employees of the German company participate in the Salary Donation program and make monthly donations to the organization, which are debited from their wages. Henkel is committed to contributing the same amount donated by its employees. Donations can range from 10 to 100 reais per month. Programs like this make employees feel engaged with the cause and the company where they work.
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