12 de March de 2021

Aberje School grants honorary title to Maria Russell


Syracuse University’s professor was one of the mentors of the association’s international courses

Maria Russel

Professor Maria Russell, from Syracuse University in New York, was honored as the first Honorary Professor of the Aberje School of Communication. The association acknowledged her dedication as a teacher, researcher, and member of the association’s Advisory Council. It gave her a sculpture made from natural blue agate, a Brazilian stone that symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, and education.

Maria Russell is retiring from her teaching duties in the United States. As part of the Aberje Advisory Council since 2015, she was one of the pillars of the partnership between Aberje and Syracuse University to realize the International Course in Corporate Communication Aberje / Syracuse. The course gathered a large part of those who make up the communication leadership today in companies, including CCOs, vice-presidents, and council members. The teacher worked together with James Heffernan (1956-2014) for the creation of the program.

Nine editions of the International Business Communication Program have been held – 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016 (the latter in a pocket edition). Professor Russell was present at the opening of the first class, on February 10, 2006, in São Paulo, giving the lecture “International Trends in Business Communication.” In 2016, the same year of the last edition, she was granted the Aberje Special James Heffernan Educator of the Year Award, a special recognition given to education professionals who have stood out for their work and dedication in the field of Organizational Communication.

In an excerpt from the letter sent to Professor Russell, Aberje acknowledged the fundamental contribution during years of partnership. “Your mission with us goes far beyond the exercise of teaching, a role you have exercised with extreme mastery in our partnership with the University of Syracuse. Notably, you always knew how to arouse our admiration and our respect. Thus, this is our symbolic recognition for your intellectual merits and work in favor of Public Relations and Communication, in addition to your cultural contribution to the strengthening of ties between Brazilian and North American communicators. And we hope you can continue with us, contributing in such a valuable way, now establishing this new bond as our first Honorary Professor.”