28 de maio de 2020

Aberje supports the launch of Covid Radar

The digital platform brings together companies and institutions to combat the impacts generated by the pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a challenging and delicate situation to the whole world. To bring more coordination and exchange of safe information, the online platform Covid Radar aims to provide a complete database to help fight the crisis.

The initiative is the result of the union of companies and organizations such as the Rede Brasil do Pacto Global da ONU (UN Global Compact Network Brazil). They operate in diverse industries and are committed to minimizing impacts generated by the pandemic, thus contributing to the Brazilian economic recovery. This collective is divided into three fronts: Covid Radar Panel, Covid Radar Connection, and Covid Radar Health.

Firstly, the Covid Radar Panel users can be companies, academic organizations, media, and society. The academy and governments, for example, can view the complete database and simulate different combinations. With these data, it is possible to detail by city and even by neighborhood how the current scenario and movements are, allowing the adoption of quick and assertive measures in diverse areas affected.

Secondly, the Covid Radar Connection also puts in contact companies that want to donate pieces of equipment or supplies to fight the coronavirus, through a Market Place, along the lines of the websites for buying and selling products. More than 5,000 state and municipal health departments are registered on the platform.

Finally, the Health Covid Radar will serve as a basis for health and mobility monitoring applications, with a daily collection of information about symptoms and geolocalized monitoring of citizens to estimate the spread of the virus.

With a relationship network of around 700 organizations — including communication companies, associations, and public agencies — Aberje reinforces the dissemination of the initiative among its members, calling attention to them to be concretely engaged in this struggle, which is all. “We are keen to support great initiatives like this, in which companies come together for a common cause. This is our role in society”, said the association’s president, Paulo Nassar.

Carlo Pereira, executive director of the Global Compact Network Brazil, points out that joint efforts are essential in times of crisis, “Companies and organizations, such as Global Compact, Ethos, Cebds, and Sistema B, will donate money, data, PPE, and services. It is gratifying to see the partnership and teamwork, which unites everyone in favor of a common goal,” he said.

Learn more about the platform and its supporters here: http://covidradar.org.br/