19 de February de 2021

Eletrobras starts to lead Platform Action against Corruption


Starting in March, Eletrobras – represented by its Governance, Risks and Compliance director, Camila Gualda Sampaio Araújo – will lead the Action against Corruption Platform’s actions of the Brazil Network of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact


With a simple majority of votes, the 50 organizations participating in the platform decided to elect Eletrobras as coordinator.

The platform – which has an engaged group of companies dedicated to disseminating the ethical culture and integrity in the corporate environment – is a tool for the development of projects and the promotion of learning and exchange of experiences, influencing people and companies and providing the understanding of the risks and opportunities generated by combating corruption.

According to the Global Compact, corruption has numerous negative impacts, such as social instability and reduced economic growth. Research from the Global Compact itself shows that corruption adds 25% to companies’ hiring costs and is responsible for the 5% loss in global GDP.

The platform’s actions are mainly connected to SDG 16, which aims to promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies. Among the goals pursued are the substantial reduction of corruption in all its forms and the development of effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.