31 de julho de 2020

VLI announces more women on leadership

Lilian Rabelo, machine supervisor (Credits: VLI)

VLI, a logistics solutions company that operates terminals, railways, and ports, has just joined the “Equity is a Priority” commitment, an initiative of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which aims to promote gender equity within companies. The goal announced by VLI is to have at least women in 30% of its top leadership positions by 2025 and, optionally 50%, by 2030. Today, the share of women at the top of the company is 15.7%.

“We believe that a more diverse team, with more women, is a factor of prosperity for society and companies,” said Ernesto Pousada, president of VLI. In 2019, the company had already adhered to the WEPs (Women Empowerment Principles), the Principles of Women’s Empowerment, promoted by UN Women.