Also in Portuguese | December News
Every month, we will bring you the most relevant news in the corporate communication market in Portugal, presented by APCE – Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication. These are the highlights of december:
Most popular videos of the year on Youtube in Portugal
Launched on September 14, “Rainha da Net” (“Queen of the Net”) is the most popular YouTube video of the year in Portugal. With over 1.9 million views, 163,000 likes and 7,000 comments, the parody signed by Mafalda Creative won first place in the video platform ranking. Interestingly, the video is about what it takes to be trending on YouTube. Second place in the ranking is held by Brazilian “Ticolé é muito bom!”, By Matheus Yurley . The following positions belong to videos by Angie Costa, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, and Carlos Coutinho Vilhena, showing that humor is among the preferences of the Portuguese. To see all the videos, click here
This year’s most popular music video in Portugal is Brazilian: “Terremoto”, by Anitta & Kevinho. Portuguese rhythms also gained prominence among the top 10 netizens: Wet Bed Gang, Plutonio, Matias Damásio, and Djodje are also on the list.
Google also released its 2019 history
Google also revealed the themes and personalities that most drove the Portuguese to ask the search engine questions. With several categories available, Google’s analysis shows that actor Ângelo Rodrigues’s health problem was the search trend of the year in Portugal. Flamengo, the Brazilian soccer team, coached by Portuguese Jorge Jesus, was also featured. In 2019, the deaths of Disney actor Cameron Boyce, Portuguese hairdresser Eduardo Beauté, and singer Roberto Leal were also the subject of research. To know the most searched themes and personalities click here.
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