17 de dezembro de 2019

Football at your fingertips

Aberje associate Santander introduced Fieeld, a tactile system for relaying sporting events that gives the visually impaired the ability to follow with the fingertips the movement of the ball in a football game. The system was created by the Havas group and developed jointly with Santander, which sponsors the Copa Libertadores da América, the UEFA Champions League and the Spanish League.

To spread Fieeld, Santander has released a video starring Nicko, a visually impaired Brazilian boy, a Palmeiras fan, to whom his mother tells the games. This heartwarming story received FIFA’s best fan award in September this year.

Supported by the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA), which is part of the International Paralympic Committee, Fieeld’s creators are now looking for a technology partner to expand the development of the device and make it commercially viable.