Also in Portuguese | September News

Every month, we will bring you the most relevant news in the corporate communication market in Portugal, presented by APCE – Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication. These are the highlights of september:
APCE promotes workshop on GDPR
APCE Academy, in partnership with PMC Advogados, held the workshop “Communication and Data Protection” on October 23rd and 24th. The event will foster case discussions, legal obligations, and opportunities for this new challenge to be incorporated into the strategy of organizations. If not done well, data processing management under the GPDR can bring incalculable damage to companies.
Among the various topics to be addressed will be the presentation of good practice through the European Excellence Practices in Internal Communication (EPIC) framework developed by the FEIEA (European Association for Internal Communication) in conjunction with Deloitte.
Please write to for more information.
Portuguese remain “haunted” by the financial crisis
The Missão Continente program – the corporate social responsibility area of Continente and Grupo Sonae’s supermarket chain – and the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Lisbon released the results of the II Great Sustainability Survey in Portugal. The research seeks to understand how the Portuguese see their future and the country and what their priorities are to ensure a more sustainable future. The study concluded that the Portuguese are unsure about the sustainability of their economic lives and are still “frightened by the ghost of the crisis” that plagued the country years ago.
The “shaking of confidence in the government,” “corruption,” the “functional bankruptcy of the state” and the fear of “disharmony and social discord” towards what they consider to be a “fragile economy” are the main worrying questions. Environmental issues also appear in the ranking of concerns, particularly associated with “ocean pollution,” followed by “climate change,” “degradation of nature,” and “increased waste.”
Jerônimo Martins presents video results
The Jerónimo Martins Group, an APCE associate, is one of the fastest-growing business conglomerates in Portugal. To present the results, the company produced a video that shows the main highlights that contributed to the group’s growth last year. Jerónimo Martins is an international group based in Portugal, with over 225 years of experience in the food business. It currently has over 4,000 food stores and a team of 108,000 employees.
The Group operates in Poland, with the Biedronka food store chain; in Portugal, with the leading brands Pingo Doce and Recheio; and in Colombia, where the group controls the Ara chain of stores.
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