David Grinberg is McDonalds’s new VP for Latin America
Arcos Dorados, the largest independent McDonald’s franchise in the world, appointed the company’s new Vice President for Corporate Communications and Investor Relations for Latin America, David Grinberg, in early December. Grinberg is also a member of the Deliberative Board of Aberje.
The executive handled the corporate communication of the Brazil division of Arcos Dorados for almost three years. Now, David will work from Buenos Aires, replacing Daniel Schleiniger, who left the company to work in the area of investor relations in the United States.
With a degree in Journalism, David worked for Época magazine and the Lance! sports daily. In Corporate Communication, he worked for Edelman and Nike and Samsung. At Arcos Dorados since 2010, he coordinated the work of the two major events sponsored by the brand, the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. At the beginning of 2016, he took the position of Corporate Communications director of the company, which, under his leadership, was recognized twice with the Great Place to Work award in the Communication with Employees category and as the Company that Best Communicates with the Journalists in 2018, in the category Retail. In 2017, David received the distinction of Aberje’s Communicator of the Year.
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