BCW announces new leaders in Latin America
BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe), the global integrated communications agency, announced at the end of September its leaders in charge of business growth, customer satisfaction, and talent development in Latin America. Patrícia Ávila, who had been leading Burson-Marsteller since May 2017, is CEO of the new company in Brazil. All leaders report to Francisco Carvalho, president of BCW for Latin America.
Patricia has more than 30 years of experience in integrated communications and has worked in consulting firms such as McKinsey & Company, Booz & Co and Promon. Before joining Burson-Marsteller, she was responsible for corporate communications at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, where she won the Aberje Brazil Award in the category of Communication and Relationship with the Press.
The new leadership structure in Latin America also includes Guido Gaona (Argentina), Fernando Soriano (Chile), Hector Cardona (Colombia), Alberto Diaz (Mexico), Jonathan Stern (Miami), Carolina Palacios (Peru), Lynnette Teissonniere Puerto Rico), and Agustina Navarro (Uruguay). BCW is one of the largest global communication agencies in the world. Created after the merger of Burson-Marsteller and Cohn & Wolfe, the agency offers integrated communication solutions based on spontaneous and expanded media across channels.
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