SAP global video highlights Brazilian initiative
Luciana Coen, CCO and Corporate Social Responsibility Officer at SAP Brazil, is one of the executives of the company chosen to appear on a global video broadcast during the kick-off of the tech company, in January. With the title “Purpose is not Just a Word at SAP,” the video shows some projects and initiatives that reinforce the purpose of the organization. The key message of the SAP video is “to make the world run better.”
Luciana mentions the partnership between SAP Brazil and the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS) in the video. She explains that the company sponsors entrepreneurship in communities in the rainforest through software donation and financial and technological support. “The visibility of this action shows that we actually deliver the project to the company and we are aligned with the purpose. Sustainably encouraging economic development, protecting the forest resources of the Amazon basin, has a vital importance for the planet. It is undoubtedly a way to help the world run better and improve people’s lives,” says Luciana. The video can be viewed here:
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